Van 10 tot 15 September was ek bevoorreg om as verteenwoordiger van die Orania Beweging die jaarlikse konferensie van die Genootskap vir Eiendom en Vryheid (“Property and Freedom Society” – “PFS” in kort) te Bodrum, Turkye by te woon.
PFS kan beskryf word as ’n libertariese ekonomies-filosofiese instelling vanuit die Oostenrykse tradisie wat onbeskaamd die idees van privaat eiendom, kontrakteringsvryheid, vryheid van assosiasie – wat die vryheid om in jou persoonlike en besigheidslewe te disassosieer insluit – en onvoorwaardelike vrye handel voorstaan. PFS veroordeel imperialisme en militarisme (asook die aanhitsing daartoe) en verwerp positivisme, relativisme en die gelykheidsideologie (of dit nou uitkomsgebaseer of geleentheidsgebaseer is).
Ván die sprekers by hierdie jaar se konferensie en hul onderskeie onderwerpe, was:
Prof. Thomas DiLorenzo – The Curse of American Exceptionalism
Mnr. Rahim Taghezadegan – The Lebanon – A Switzerland of the Near East?
Mev. Deanna Forbush – America’s Violent Labor Unions
Mnr. Andrew Shuen – China, the US, the Renminbi, the $ and Hong Kong
Prof. Guido Huelsman – The Culture of Inflation
Prof. Frank van Dun – On the Philisophical Foundations of Libertarianism
Prof. David Dürr – Private Law Society: Answering some of the “difficult” questions
Prof. Hans-Hermann Hoppe – Democracy, De-civilization and Counterculture
Toegang tot hierdie intellektuele netwerk is ontsluit danksy die goeie werk van Aaron Kahland, Orania se ambassadeur in Duitsland. Dit is dan ook hier waar Carel Boshoff, saam met Jaco Kleynhans, sy voorlegging “The Afrikaner community as an experiment” in 2014 gemaak het.
Nodeloos om te sê dat meeste van die konferensiegangers daarom alreeds met my aankoms baie goed van Orania ingelig was. Dit het my vervolgens die geleentheid gebied om meer in detail te gesels oor die onderskeie instellings op Orania en wat ons vir die volgende vyf jaar beplan. Indringende vrae is gevra en die reaksie op my antwoorde was telkens oorweldigend positief. Veral die praktiese toepassing van ons idees het heelwat belangstelling gelok.
Ek sal selfs so ver gaan om te sê dat dit wat Orania doen ’n voorbeeld aan die res van die Westerse wêreld is oor wat ’n gefokusde en doelgedrewe Christelike kultuurgemeenskap kan vermag in ’n vyandige see van humanisme en politiese korrektheid.
Oor die duur van die konferensie is kontakte opgebou met mense van Singapoer, Costa Rica, die VSA, Hong Kong, Duitsland, België, Griekeland, die Oekraïene en nog vele ander lande met mense wat Orania se strewe verstaan en ondersteun. Die beste is ook van die geleentheid gemaak om met Proff. Van Dun en Dürr te gesels oor die verdere uitbou van Orania se interne geskilbeslegtingsprosedure – beide het hartlike uitnodigings gerig om verder oor hierdie en ander konsepte te gesels. Veral prof. Van Dun se perspektiewe op gemeenskap was baie insiggewend.
Dit bevestig net weer dat Orania se stryd nie in isolasie plaasvind nie en dat ons saak resoneer met vele mense van regoor die wêreld. Dit is dan ook ons taak om hierdie netwerke by te hou en op te volg, met die groot uitdaging om te verseker dat ons ons op só ’n manier van ons taak kwyt dat ons nooit ’n verleentheid vir potensiële internasionale bondgenote sal wees nie.
Hallo Gawie
Ek glo ‘n goeie produk verkoop homself; so dink net die moontlikhede indien die verkoopsman sy storie ken !
S^e my gou asseblief, hoe kan mens hier meer betrokke raak. Hierdie spesifieke area van internasionale netwerke bou ens. Ek hou baie van die idee, en is werklikwaar beindruk dat Orania ‘n Ambassadeur in Duitsland reeds het. Wat sal hy daar doen? Enige andere dalk? In die toekoms? Hoe gaan dit werk?
Hoe wil julle dit verder vat? 2020 ; 2025 ens. Ek besoek Orania vlg week. Ek sal sommer vir Sebastiaan ook vra.
Baie dankie
Puik en nodige internasionale skakeling.
Julle weet met wat julle te doen het!?
“Property and Freedom Society” – “PFS
Hans-Hermann Hoppe (born September 2, 1949) is a German-born American political philosopher, sociologist, libertarian theorist and an Austrian School economist. He is Professor Emeritus with the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and currently resides in Istanbul, Turkey. Hoppe has stated that Murray Rothbard, a Jewish American heterodox economist of the Austrian School, was his “principal teacher, mentor and master”. After reading Rothbard’s books and being converted to a Rothbardian political position. In 2006, Hoppe founded The Property & Freedom Society (“PFS”) as a reaction against the Milton Friedman-influenced Mont Pelerin Society, which he has derided as “socialist”. On the fifth anniversary of PFS, Hoppe reflected on its goals:
On the one hand, positively, it was to explain and elucidate the legal, economic, cognitive and cultural requirements and features of a free, state-less natural order.
On the other hand, negatively, it was to unmask the State and showcase it for what it really is: an institution run by gangs of murderers, plunderers and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners, propagandists, sycophants, crooks, liars, clowns, charlatans, dupes and useful idiots – an institution that dirties and taints everything it touches.
In 2001, Hoppe published Democracy: The God That Failed which examines various social and economic phenomena which, Hoppe argues, are problems caused by democratic forms of government. He attributes democracy’s alleged failures to pressure groups which seek to increase government expenditures and regulations. Hoppe proposes alternatives and remedies, including secession, decentralization of government, and “complete freedom of contract, occupation, trade and migration”. Hoppe argues that monarchy would preserve individual liberty more effectively than democracy.
In 2013, Hoppe reflected on the relationship between democracy and the arts and concluded that “democracy leads to the subversion and ultimately disappearance of the notion of beauty and universal standards of beauty. Beauty is swamped and submerged by so-called ‘modern art’.”
Hoppe writes that towns and villages could have warning signs saying “no beggars, bums, or homeless, but also no homosexuals, drug users, Jews, Moslems, Germans, or Zulus”.
Martin Snyder of the American Association of University Professors said Hoppe’s words will disturb “[t]hose with a better memory than Hoppe for segregation, apartheid, internment facilities and concentration camps, for yellow stars and pink triangles”. Hoppe also provoked controversy by calling homosexuality a “perversity or abnormality” and comparable to pedophilia.
Race and intelligence by Rothbard
Both Michael O’Malley and political scientist Jean Hardisty have noted Rothbard’s “praise” of the argument, made in Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray’s book The Bell Curve, that blacks are genetically inferior to whites with respect to intelligence. Both authors quote Rothbard’s remark that intellectual and “temperamental” differences between races are “self-evident”.
O’Malley quotes Rothbard as stating that public acceptance of the book’s thesis “would put a bullet through the heart of the egalitarian socialist project”, by providing an intellectual justification for racial inequalities.
A 2013 Anti-Defamation League report about “increased cooperation” between European and American racists referred to Taylor as a white supremacist and cited his appearance at the 2013 PFS conference:
„Racists in Europe and the United States Increase Cooperation
October, 22, 2013
Over the past six months, racists in both the United States and Europe have increased cooperation by participating in a number of conferences and events on both sides of the Atlantic. Many of the individuals and groups involved are academic racists. These racists belong to what is known as the extreme right in the U.S. and as the “new right” in Europe. Some of the Europeans involved in this trans-Atlantic exchange are part of the ideologically similar “Identitaire” movement. The extreme ideology of the American and European racists calls for the preservation of white European culture and promotes the idea that IQ differences are based on race.“